Have you ever felt like you should know your country's constitution better? Most of us know some of it, little parts here and there, but very few really understand it fully. If we don't know our constitution, then we really don't know if a politician may be suggesting ideas, or even a law that may fly right in the face of it! Would you really recognize socialist, communist, or fascist propaganda, if you heard it? (There's quite a lot of it being bandied about these days.) If we don't know our constitution - and our Bill of Rights, for that matter, then we are at a terrible disadvantage. We live in an age when there are many ideologies out there being espoused, and all are vying for our loyalties. Many may sound good, but are they really? Remember, even the beastly German dictator, Hitler, made MANY PROMISES to the people of Germany. They loved him in the beginning. We mustn't forget John Kennedy's famous line: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!" We've come a long way, in a very few short years.
You can call them at: 1-517-437-7341 or send questions to: constitution@hillsdale.com but don't delay, in order to catch up!
Those at Hillsdale decided to run this online course, and offer it for free because they love our country and because so many just don't know our constitution. (There is also an opportunity to make a donations for those who would like to and who are able.) They want the American people to fully understand just what our elected officials put their hands on the Bible and swear to uphold! I remember as a young person, hearing about enemies of the United States who had vowed to take over the country without shooting even one shot! Do you remember hearing that? They obviously planned on taking us over from within, in a 'progressive' way...little by little. Sort of like that frog being put into water, and heating it up, slowly, so that he won't jump out. Soon, though...he finds himself COOKED in frog stew!
ImJusSayin' it sure seems to me that they'll have an easier chance of it, if we can't tell the difference between true statesmen and (another way of putting it) those who would go about laying out 'socialist traps' with goodies in them...that will eventually snap shut on our necks! Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts and if you decide to register!